Friday, November 30, 2012

Restitution Judgments

Most judgments start when a person or entity is harmed in some way, usually financially. Criminal restitution orders and judgments begin with a crime, when a criminal is ordered to pay money to compensate their victim. My articles are my opinions, and not legal advice. I am a Judgment Broker, and am not a lawyer. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer.

I have read that Federal criminal restitution orders and judgments do not expire until they have been repaid in full, and that if a Federal restitution judgment is not paid in full at the time of the death of the defendant debtor, their estate can be attached for any unpaid balance. For the purpose of recovering money, most criminal restitution orders are eventually converted to civil court judgments. Civil court judgments eventually expire, however they can usually be renewed.

In some states, restitution orders can be modified after the restitution judgment is rendered. Sometimes the (former) criminal debtor or their lawyer can convince a judge they are broke, and the judge may reduce the amount owed to the creditor victim. Sometimes restitution orders or judgments, do not specify that the defendant debtor pay interest on the amount of the restitution, so interest cannot be collected.

Often, the first criminal restitution judgment or order recovery attempt, starts at a parole or probation office, or another government agency. When a government entity cannot recover all of what is owed, or the probation ends, or for other reasons; any restitution recovery will then become the responsibility of the victim creditor. Usually, the usual way to recover money from a criminal restitution judgment is through the civil court system.

Criminal restitution judgments are usually "bankruptcy proof". However, for the purpose of recovering money, they are just judgments, because the former criminal is now a regular judgment debtor. As with regular civil judgments, most criminal restitution judgments are never recovered. Restitution judgment recovery depends mostly on the available assets of the judgment debtor, and often an attorney or some other expert's help is required.

In most states, for the original victims or their lawyers, restitution orders can be recovered in the same manner as civil money judgments, including recording abstracts of judgment against the defendant debtor. While the Rules of Criminal Procedure varies in each state, a popular way to make a criminal restitution judgment enforceable in regular civil courts, is to get the criminal court to issue a certified Order for Restitution and Abstract of Judgment. (In California, Judicial Council Form CR-110/JV-790 is used.) The abstract of judgment is then taken to a civil court where they open a new civil case file, and a fee is usually required.

For judgment enforcers, that have judgments assigned to them; everything depends on which state. In some states, criminal restitution awards are not assignable, and only an attorney can recover someone else's criminal restitution order.

To assign the rights of a criminal restitution order, the usual and/or proper method is to get a court order, approving that from the criminal court. Some judgment enforcers take a shortcut, and treat criminal restitution orders as if they were regular civil money judgments. That is not fully legal in every state. For example, in California, CCP 673 and 680.240 only applies to civil money judgments. There is no provision in the California Civil Codes for transferring the victim's rights in a restitution order, that was issued by the criminal division of the Superior Court.

In some states, only attorneys enforce criminal restitution orders and judgments. Some non-attorney judgment enforcers have successfully enforced criminal restitution orders in civil court. To do this correctly, contact the local District Attorney's office for specific directions on how you might proceed. They cannot give you legal advice because even though they are attorneys, they are not your attorney. However, they can tell you procedurally which courtroom to go to, to submit your motion, asking the court to approve an assignment of a criminal restitution judgment to you.

Many laws are complicated, and sometimes contradict other laws. One example of a law covering Federal criminal restitution judgments is Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 69(a)(1), that specifies that judgments be enforced with writs of execution and "must accord with the procedures of the state where the court is located, to the extent it applies". Another relevant law example is The Federal Debt Collection Procedures Act of 1990 ("FDCPA"), that includes the statement "with the exception of conflicting federal law, the FDCPA provides the exclusive civil procedures to recover a judgment".

The FDCPA also says in 28 USC 3003 (d and f), that it "shall preempt state law to the extent such law is inconsistent". How long do Federal criminal restitution judgments last? An example of an "inconsistent state law" is California Civil Procedure Code section 683.020 (1987), which precludes enforcement of a restitution judgment after ten years from the entry of the judgment. This "inconsistent state law" has been preempted before, see

When you are planning to recover a restitution judgment, consult with a lawyer for anything you are not sure about. With restitution orders and judgments, consider also consulting a lawyer about what you ARE sure of.

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Polite Judgment Recovery

I am a Judgment Broker, and am not a lawyer. My articles are my opinions, and not legal advice. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer.

Diplomacy is one of the very few judgment enforcement tools that are free. Starting a recovery by being polite with your judgment debtor is easy, has very few risks, and might help you get paid.

Before, during, and soon after the court proceedings that resulted in the judgment; the judgment debtor might have been under stress. However, perhaps now, learning about your relaxed, easy repayment solution, where you suggest compromising somewhat on what they owe, might appeal to them.

Being diplomatic does not mean being a pushover, or letting yourself get taken advantage of. Diplomacy means both parties are willing to negotiate for their mutual benefit. Diplomacy requires some level of communication between the parties. Being polite works best when your judgment debtor is willing to communicate with you.

Enforcing a judgment with diplomacy starts when you use the phone, the post office, or even arrange to discuss in person; how amenable the judgment debtor is to the idea of working with you, to solve your mutual dilemma of the unsatisfied judgment debt.

If your judgment debtor returns your telephone call, or communicates a response to your letter, that is a good sign. Some people who do not respond the first time, may respond when you try again months later.

Email is ok, after you have first contacted your judgment debtor another way, and are on good terms with them. Be careful with email, keep it friendly and short when discussing topics related to the judgment. It is fine to discuss topics such as the weather or sports.

When using email, avoid sharing private information or going into details. Keep discussions about judgments or debts as short and polite as possible. Conversations with judgment debtors by email should stay fairly close to gentle wordings such as: "Got your check, thanks", "Didn't get your check yet, thanks", "OK, try to send a check when you can", "Please call me", and "I'll mail you a statement".

It is not helpful to get into discussions about whether or not the decision of the court was fair or not. Be empathetic and sympathetic, however politely remind them it is the judge's order that counts. Remind them it is best to focus on the solution, rather than dwelling on the past that cannot be changed.

Any time you can persuade a judgment debtor to pay you voluntarily, it saves you time and money recovering your judgment. For average debtors, perhaps try polite negotiations first.

If your debtor is a professional scammer, you might want to start quickly with heavy-duty recovery strategies, to catch them by surprise, before they can hide their assets further. A scoundrel might try to hide their assets. Last-minute asset hiding rarely fools courts or recovery specialists.

The main point to make to your judgment debtor, is that judgments accrue interest, and judgments can be renewed, possibly forever. If they agree to quickly start making payments or settle with a lump sum, you can waive some of the interest owed, and save them a lot of enforcement costs. Working with you, will save them a lot of time, hassles, and money.

Sometimes a judgment debtor is willing to pay, however does not have the funds available to pay you. A payment plan can be the answer. Even the most optimistic judgment debtor cannot predict the future. If your judgment debtor is poor, having them pay what they are able to, when they can, should be your goal.

Even when the judgment debtor has a job and/or income, it is rare for them to consistently make long-term payments on time. It is a good idea to have them agree to contact you by email, phone, or mail once a month; even if only to communicate they "cannot pay you this month".

The worst thing that can happen when you start by being polite, is that your judgment debtor will not respond or will be rude; in which case you can begin conventional judgment enforcement strategies.

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Judgments With Dead Debtors

When people, or a person owes you judgment money, the death of your judgment debtor(s) does not always mean the death of your judgment. If you sued a corporation that later died, your judgment is more likely to really be dead. When a corporation folds, everything depends on the circumstances that caused it to fold. My articles are my opinions, and not legal advice. I am a judgment referral expert, and am not a lawyer. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer.

First, how many debtors were named liable to pay your judgment? If not all your judgment debtors have died, you can probably try to recover your judgment from the (still living) debtors. This article discusses situations where you want to try to recover something from a dead debtor's estate.

Can you collect anything from your debtor's estate after the judgment debtor dies? Their death does not automatically extinguish their estate's obligation to pay the debtor's judgment debts. Everything depends on the details.

When did your judgment debtor die? If they died before the judgment named them as a judgment debtor, that judgment is defective. If the final judgment was issued prior to the date of your debtor's death, you have a chance of recovering some money.

Assuming your debtor passed away recently, the first step is to contact the executor or personal representative of the judgment debtor's estate. You will need to make a valid and timely claim against the estate of your judgment debtor.

Basically, the estate of the debtor, including their real estate, personal property, or trusts, are sometimes liable for satisfying the decedent's debts prior to any distributions to their heirs.

To have any real chance at recovering some money from your debtor's estate, you must act quickly, and your debtor must have possessed some assets. If your debtor was poor when they died, they will not be getting any richer after they die. If your debtor and their relatives were poor, it is game over. If the dead debtor's remaining relatives are rich, send them your claim with a polite and sympathetic letter, and a copy of your judgment. Who knows, they might pay you something.

One reason to act quickly, is that the first creditors to submit their claims are more likely to get paid. Late creditors might get scraps, or nothing. The other reason to act quickly is that each state has their own statute of limitations on making claims on the estates of judgment debtors.

What if you do not live close enough to your debtor, to know whether they died recently? Some ways to check for their possible death, is to scan the obituaries in the county or city where they live. Perhaps a web version of a "newspaper" might have obituary listings. There are many web sites to find this type of information including and The more you know about your judgment debtor, the more useful these sites can be. If your debtor is sick or old, perhaps check their status every month or two. Once in a while, a sneaky judgment debtor fakes their death on public records to thwart creditors.

Generally, judgment interest will continue to accrue, even after the death of your judgment debtor. However, often there is not enough assets in the judgment debtor's estate to fully repay all creditors. Be willing to settle, especially if that is the case. Judgment recovery is usually tough, and getting something for your judgment is always a big win.

Automobile Appraisal Expert Witnesses For Litigation   Common Types of Bail Bonds   Tips for Selecting the Best Legal Staffing Agency   Should You Outsource Your Judgments?   Judgment Debtor Exemptions And Timelines   Legal Placement Services: The Difference Between Court Reporters and Paralegals   

Every Judgment Is Outsourced

Everything in judgment recovery depends on outsourcing. Anyone buying or owning a judgment has to try to sell, recover, or settle it, to recover any money from it. Everyone recovering a judgment, including "Do-it-yourself" judgment owners recovering their own judgments, requires the services of courts and Sheriffs and/or process servers.

Sometimes judgment recovery also requires paying lawyers, private investigators, and a notary. Judgment recovery is not guaranteed, and any time or money spent trying to recover judgments, can be money down the drain. If you plan on outsourcing your judgment to a judgment buyer, enforcer, or a collection lawyer; a free judgment broker will save a lot of your time, and find you the right expert.

My articles are my opinions, and not legal advice. I am a Judgment Broker, and am not a lawyer. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer. There are four basic choices when you outsource a judgment:

1) Enforcing a judgment yourself: You manage and pay for everything and outsource to courts, Sheriffs, process servers, notaries, and possibly some other required experts, perhaps including a lawyer or a paralegal to type up motions or other legal documents. You may need to hire a private investigator to find the judgment debtor or their assets. A little bit of consultation might be all that is needed, to get over a little hump in your judgment recovery project.

2) Cash upfront judgment sales: Judgments usually sell cash upfront for a very tiny fraction of their face amount. The only outsourcing will be to a buyer and a notary, because you must assign it to the buyer.

3) Hiring a lawyer either by the hour, or on a contingency basis (charging you 35-50% of what is recovered on average) to try to recover your judgment. The only outsourcing will be to your attorney. Lawyers only accept the strongest judgments for recovery on a contingency basis.

4) Assigning your judgment to an enforcer, who will try to recover it on a future-pay contingency basis (charging you 50% of what is recovered on average) paying you after money is recovered. Enforcers will take many judgments on contingency that lawyers will not take on contingency. The only outsourcing will be to an enforcer and a notary, as you must assign your judgment to the enforcer.

When you want your judgment recovered, you always must outsource it in one way or another. Sometimes you can recover it yourself. If it does not work out, you can usually find an expert to help you recover it. Don't hesitate to pay for help when it makes sense for your situation.

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Selecting A Good Business Bankruptcy Attorney

Business is the most common means of the income, but at the same time it involves much more complexities than a salaried job. When your business enters into a condition of financial incapacity and it is not able to pay its dues, is bankruptcy. If you want to close your own business and file for bankruptcy, you may require a good bankruptcy attorney; he would help you in making the right decision.

Selecting a good bankruptcy lawyer from many is very important. Here are some steps to choose a reliable and good attorney to help you through bankruptcy process.

• Choose a certified person in bankruptcy:

It is necessary to choose a qualified and reliable bankruptcy lawyer to file the bankruptcy suit. The certified bankruptcy lawyers have had their special training in the business bankruptcy, so they are best to help you. Choose an experienced lawyer within your state. You can check The American Board of Certification, which is the legal certification agency for those lawyers.

• Consult the Local Bar Association:

Your local bar association can help you by giving you a list of all bankruptcy attorneys in your area. After getting the list of attorney names and contact numbers from the local bar association, check with the American Board Certification on their accreditations.

• Check out office of the law firm's:

Look for how well an office is organizing, and also observe the environment. This can give you important clues about how well an attorney will handle your case.

• Talk to the local people of your area:

Since you are the owner of a business, probably you have a personal attorney and accountant. Talk to both for the recommendations about bankruptcy lawyer and also talk to your acquaintances and friends. Word of mouth is also a good method to find a good bankruptcy attorney if you have had known people that have had to go through the business bankruptcy.

• Interview more than 2 bankruptcy lawyers:

After short listing the attorneys, interview more than two lawyers. Schedule personal or telephonic interview. Again shortlist the right lawyer from interviewed lawyers.

• Don't select a lawyer depending on fees:

You need a best and competent lawyer. Most of the bankruptcy attorneys charges fees within a certain range. Get the price quotes from lawyers that you find comfortable with. Do not select a lawyer depending on cost.

• Stay Involved:

After hiring an attorney, don't be happy to let her or him handle it alone. Once again check all the filings. Staying on the top of bankruptcy filing would help you in ensuring that the proceedings go well and would keep your attorney on her or his toes.

• Signing the retainer agreement:

Finally when you select a bankruptcy lawyer, he will present you to do sign on a retainer agreement. Before signing on it, read thoroughly.

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How Qualified Is Your Polymer Chemistry Expert Witness?

Allegations of misrepresentations and claims of sub-standard quality are just two of the cases that a polymer chemistry expert witness is needed in. And usually, these legal battles are between two large and well-known companies. Therefore, it's imperative that only a highly qualified expert should be entrusted with the job. Both parties (defendant and plaintiff) have so much to lose, so to ensure a winning case, only the best in the industry should be hired.

But the question is, how can you say that a polymer chemistry expert witness's qualifications are at par with what the case needs? What are the qualifications of a good expert witness?

In most cases, experience is the first thing that lawyers demand, require, or look for. But it should be noted that experience can mean two things: technical expertise and years of exposure to trials, depositions, and testimonies. Sometimes, even if an expert has an impressive portfolio, he may not be suitable for the job due to lack of experience as a testifying witness. Therefore, for a chemistry expert to be qualified for the job, there must be a balance between his experience in polymer chemistry and his in the courtroom.

To have an idea of what kind of professional experience most chemistry specialists include on their CV, here is a short list.

a doctorate degree in Polymer Science, Chemical Engineering, or Chemistry more than 30 years of experience in the production, manufacturing, and quality control process of related products published author of reference books and highly reputable publications conducted different kinds of research which got published in reputable international journals

But aside from those credentials, an expert witness must have extensive knowledge in the country's legal system. This will make the whole case easier to pursue.

For one, you can rely on an experienced expert witness to know exactly what to do in court. For instance, he will perform the necessary tests and experiments, prepare the required documentations, testify confidently in court, and answer all questions from the cross-examining lawyer. Before he steps into the courtroom, he already has his visuals and other materials ready.

In addition, he knows his legal obligations as a witness, so he will not commit mistakes that inexperienced experts often make. For instance, if the cross-examining lawyer throws in a tactic to destroy his credibility as a polymer chemistry expert witness, he will remain calm, objective, and focused at all times.

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Judgments And Community Property States

I am a Judgment Broker, and am not a lawyer. My articles are my opinions, and not legal advice. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer.

Community Property states are those where both married spouses share responsibility for all debts and income incurred or earned by themselves individually, and also whatever is earned or any debts incurred by their spousal partner. In such states, each spouse has a one-half, undivided, legal or equitable, vested or contingent, present or future interest in their assets and properties.

Sometimes the judgment debtor named on your judgment is judgment proof, meaning they will be difficult or impossible to recover from. In Community Property states, you may have two people to recover from, which doubles your chances to recover the money you are owed. Such states are currently: (occasionally Alaska), Arizona, California, Idaho, (some Indian reservations), Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin.

Judgment enforcement choices sometimes depend on Community Property laws that vary in most such states. A quick visit to the local law library or a few minutes of research on the web, should easily clarify the situation of a judgment in a community property state.

In a community property state, one can usually levy wages, property, bank accounts, or other assets belonging to the judgment debtor and their spouse. Levying a judgment debtor's spouse usually requires approval by the court, and a properly endorsed court-filed affidavit, declaration, or a motion; that documents your reasons why some assets of the judgment debtor's spouse should be available to pay towards the judgment debt.

Not every asset a couple has can be considered community property. What is usually considered to be that kind of property is all the money each spouse earned during the length of their marriage, and any assets bought with their earnings including real estate, vehicles, and most any other asset, and usually also their debts. Unless separate assets can be traced to their origin, commingling separate and shared property usually results in all commingled assets being considered to be community property.

What is usually not Community Property is anything either spouse earned or received before their marriage, or gifts or inheritances the non-debtor spouse received during the marriage that was not used by both parties.

The laws of your state will show the extent of a judgment debtor spouse's liability for a judgment debt. Often in a community property state, you can pursue both spouse's assets to recover your judgment. It might not matter whether they are still married, as long as they were married when the money judgment was issued by the court. In community property states, you probably can levy, garnish, or pursue most any other enforcement strategy against both spouse at the same time.

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Acoustics Expert Witness: An Introduction

What is an Acoustics Expert Witness?

In a nutshell, acoustics is the study of sound, which entails elements related to noise, vibration, and frequency among several others. Acoustic expert witnesses, therefore, are professionals who give their expert testimony about the acoustic nature of a certain place or thing. They are sometimes called "noise expert witnesses" because they sometimes give expert noise evidence. Some of the areas that they focus on are buildings, architectural structure, and the environment in general.

To be a specialist in acoustics, one must comply with the strict requirements of the court. Some of the qualifications include the following: extensive knowledge of all areas of acoustics, years of experience in the field, and at least a bachelor's degree in a related field.

The importance of an acoustic authority in court can be demonstrated in different instances. That is why there are different types of acoustic expert witnesses, depending on the area they focus on. For instance, in the medical industry, some professionals are asked to determine the effect of different sound levels on the health of a person. They will also tell the court how an injured can be cured. These professionals can sometimes be called audio specialists as they focus on the following areas: frequency and waves of sound, sound transmission, sound propagation, and sound reception.

Importance of an Acoustics Professional

As previously mentioned, there are different types of acoustic professionals, and each of them has a different set of roles in and out of court. Among these roles are the following.

1. They provide appropriate advice to solve problems related to sound and noise. 2. They provide a detailed assessment and evaluation of a building's sound proof system. This is usually presented in legal cases where noise is concerned. 3. Outside of the court, these professionals can give advice on the proper way to install a sound system to avoid sound problems. 4. They carry out noise surveys and reports. 5. They represent the client in court in case he is involved with charges relating with noise. They support the client in every way possible since they are well-informed of legal laws relating to noise. 6. They represent clients at local authority license hearing to assist late license application or renewal. Late license application or renewal is a process that may not be possible without an expert witness to help.

In case the need for an acoustic expert arises, there are many of them in the market. One needs to know which type of acoustic professional they need and why. To find one, one can use the Yellow Pages directory or expert witness online directories.

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Frequently Asked Questions For Mediation Lawyers

These days, alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services are constantly on the rise for solving legal issues without having to go to court. Not only does it mean that the case takes considerably less time to be solved, it also means that you are more likely to come to a conclusion that both parties are happy with and are willing to adhere to. If you are going to meet with a mediation lawyer soon, knowing the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions may help you out:

1. "What is mediation?"

This is the process by which two parties to a dispute meet with their mediation lawyers and an impartial mediator in order to resolve the issues of their case. The aim of the process is to try and salvage whatever relationship the parties have left (as a court proceeding will, more often than not, end it completely).

2. "What sorts of cases can mediation solve?"

A mediator is able to work with a range of situations, including: divorce or child custody/visitation disputes; personal injury or accident cases; consumer complaints (involving car sales, for example); business and commercial disagreements; complaints against financial and brokerage companies; landlord-tenant fights; and minor criminal matters.

3. "How does mediation differ to a regular court proceeding?"

The main difference between the two is that the mediation lawyers are not the ones in control - the parties of the case are. You are the people who decide how things are going to happen; the lawyers are only there to help you understand different processes and to keep discussions civil. These meetings are also arranged around your schedule, whereas the court doesn't take this into account.

4. "What can I expect from mediation?"

Basically, there are two types of meetings that you may be involved in - the first is one in which all parties (yourself, the opposing party, your mediation lawyers and the mediator) all meet together; the second is one in which only some of the parties meet (yourself, your lawyer and the mediator, for example). At the end of discussions, you can expect to sign a fully comprehensive document outlining the conditions of the agreement.

If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask your mediation lawyer when you next meet with them. After all, it is likely that you will meet with your lawyer a number of times before the mediation process commences, which will give you plenty of time to develop a good understanding of what the entire process involves, from start to finish. And, if your case cannot be solved in a civil way through mediation, at least you can rest assured that it will be dealt with by the courts.

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Supreme Court Decision Shatters Liberal and Conservative Stereotypes

Recently, the United States Supreme Court drafted and published one of our Nation's most important decisions when it upheld the controversial health care law which President Barack Obama promised to deliver to all Americans during his presidency.

It's a potential victory for Obama and all who wanted universal health care. And putting aside the fact that many thought it couldn't be done, how it got done says more about how our legal system worked properly than most are willing to accept.

Obama had a most unlikely ally in this fight, Chief Justice John Roberts. Known as a conservative's conservative, Roberts broke political rank and actually drafted the majority opinion that now allows the government to continue implementing the health care law, which doesn't take full effect until 2014.

In authoring the majority opinion, Roberts found himself in strange company, i.e., the Supreme Court's notorious liberal group - Justices Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Upholding the law, he wrote: "In this case, however, it is reasonable to construe what Congress has done as increasing taxes on those who have a certain amount of income, but choose to go without health insurance." He noted, "Such legislation is within Congress's power to tax."

He added: "The federal government does not have the power to order people to buy health insurance... The federal government does have the power to impose a tax on those without health insurance."

Yes. "Conservative" John Roberts wrote that. But how could he write that and still be a (gasp) conservative?

Well, he explained that his permissive interpretation of the federal government's power in this case is explained in part by a general reticence that the Supreme Court has "to invalidate the acts of the Nation's elected leaders." He noted from prior case law that proper respect "for a co-ordinate branch of the government requires that we strike down an Act of Congress only if the lack of constitutional authority to pass the act in question is clearly demonstrated."

In a sense, Roberts' refusal to engage in judicial activism, his honoring of prior precedent, and his conservative attachment to the rule of law (all things that conservatives wish for when they ask for a judge) turned him into a (gasp) liberal.

But not really. What he actually did was more significant than that. He was a courageous jurist. He read and followed the law. And he stayed out of politics. Nothing more. Nothing less.

John Roberts shattered the liberal and conservative stereotypes that we too often live within our legal system. He acted as a courageous judge who showed us all how our three branched system of government is supposed to work.

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More Than One Judgment

I am a Judgment Broker, and am not a lawyer. My articles are my opinions, and not legal advice. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer.

When you won your judgment, your first thought was perhaps something similar to "I want to collect as much as possible from this louse". Your next thought might have been "How can I collect my judgment?" You might have even wished that you could collect more than what was legally required, because that fraud ripped you off.

Alas, the law does not permit one to recover more than what is owed on a judgment, which is the sum of the original amount of the judgment, any accrued interest, and most court-related recovery costs that have been documented and approved by the court.

Sometimes your judgment debtor burned other creditors too, and some other people or entities may also have judgments against your debtor. If your debtor has assets, and you are persistent enough to satisfy your own judgment, perhaps you could try to enforce the judgments other creditors have against your original debtor?

Most judgments are never collected, so perhaps after you learn how to recover your own judgment, you can recover judgments for some other creditors of your debtor. Professional judgment enforcers do that all the time, they look for other judgments against the same debtor.

Once you go through the expense and hassle of discovering your debtor's location and assets, you can use that knowledge, to recover other judgment debts that your debtor owes to other creditors.

At the same court you got your judgment at, or with some kind of information service, you can find other unsatisfied judgments that your debtor owes. Then you can contact the other creditors and offer to purchase their judgments. If the creditors have a realistic interest in getting any money from their judgment, then you can make the creditors an offer, to purchase them.

How much to offer to pay the other judgment owners is up to you. Some states only allow outright cash upfront sales. The average price paid is 50% of what you recover, after you recover the money, on a future payment basis; or a tiny fraction of the original value (2-7% is the average) for a cash upfront purchase. Do not buy a judgment cash upfront for too much money, for many reasons; including the debtor may run out of money, and if they file for bankruptcy protection, you probably will not get a dime.

After the judgment purchase prices are agreed on, then you ask the other judgment owners to sign your judgment purchase agreement, and also your (notarized by them) "Acknowledgement Of Assignment Of Judgment" to transfer their judgment to you. Then, as the new owner of the judgment, you file the completed Acknowledgement Of Assignment Of Judgment with the clerk of court. Then you will own it, allowing you to engage in the same recovery procedures that you used on your original judgment.

Before you try to recover judgments from original owners, make sure doing so is legal in your state. The ability to purchase them and then attempt to recover them, depends on the pertinent statutes and court rules in the debtor's particular state and jurisdiction.

Recovering again, against the same debtor, allows you to benefit from your first enforcement efforts. You can simply repeat the steps, for any additional judgments that you have purchased against the same debtor. Imagine the joy of not only recovering your own judgment, but also making additional money helping others recover what is owed to them by your debtor.

Automobile Appraisal Expert Witnesses For Litigation   Common Types of Bail Bonds   Tips for Selecting the Best Legal Staffing Agency   Judgment Debtor Exemptions And Timelines   Should You Outsource Your Judgments?   

Multiple Judgment Debtors

When there is more than one judgment debtor named on a judgment, it usually increases the odds that some money can be recovered on that judgment. My articles are my opinions, and not legal advice. I am a judgment referral expert, and am not a lawyer. If you ever need any legal advice or a strategy to use, please contact a lawyer.

A simple multiple judgment debtor example, would be if Mr. Chris Creditor won a civil money judgment against Dan Deadbeat, (Dan's sister) Debbie Deadbeat, and their business associate Sammy Scammer. The judgment states that all three are jointly and severally liable, and all owe the $60,000. Jointly and severally liable means that money may be recovered from one, both, or all three of those judgment debtors. One cannot legally collect more than the total of $60,000 in this example (plus costs and interest) owed from each, or all the judgment debtors named on that judgment.

Chris Creditor can perform post-judgment investigations on all three judgment debtors. Chris can identity and locate each of their assets. If one debtor has non-exempt assets available, which are sufficient to satisfy the entire judgment debt, the judgment can be recovered from that one judgment debtor. If that debtor thinks that is unfair, they can file for bankruptcy protection, try to vacate the judgment, or more likely, take the matter up with the other two judgment debtors.

The available assets of all three judgment debtors can be levied to satisfy that judgment. Very few debtors have $60,000 sitting in their checking account. Usually, debtor bank levies only capture enough money to partially satisfy a judgment. If Chris Creditor pays a Sheriff to levy the bank accounts of all three debtors and gets $6,000 more than what is owed; that $6,000 must be returned to the debtor(s) who have paid the most, usually as the result of Sheriff levies of their bank account(s).

When there are multiple debtors, which debtor should you try to recover from first? The first answer is the debtor who seems to have the most available assets. The second answer depends on the way each debtor was served notice of the lawsuit, and which judgment debtors responded and showed up in court, when the lawsuit was getting turned into a judgment.

All other things being equal, default judgments are weaker judgments. When a debtor is served notice of a lawsuit and then does not appear in court, that means any judgment against them will be by default. Sometimes, when multiple defendants are served notice of the lawsuit against them, some of them show up in court, and some do not.

Judgment debtors that do not show up in court get default judgments against them, and the ones that do show up get regular judgments against them. With a default, debtors can lie and claim they were not served, even when they were. If the judge believes them, the court may grant a debtor's motion to vacate it.

Default judgments, where the debtor was not personally served notice of the lawsuit by a Sheriff, Marshall, or a registered process server, are the weakest ones. All things being equal, it makes sense to first try to recover from the debtors that showed up in court. Between default judgment debtors with similar asset situations, the ones served notice of the lawsuit personally, are the ones to try to recover from first.

If a judgment is eventually repaid or settled, a satisfaction of judgment must be stamped and filed by the court to release every debtor named on the judgment.

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6 Methods That Help Loosen Business Blog Content Writer's Block

Are you stuck on what to write for your business blog content?

It happens to everyone. Sometimes that sweatshop in the back of the brain pops a gasket, throws some smoke and then grinds to a halt. Question is: How to you break through the associated writer's block?

A business blog can generate a new level of Internet marketing performance. But it can also waste lots of your time on projects that fail to provide an efficient return on investment (ROI). If you can produce content that actually engages your audience and then moves them to respond to your products and services, the cost of blogging carries a worthwhile payback. But getting the right business blog content is not always easy.

Here are six methods that will help keep your business blog content on a prosperous performance platform.

1) Stay Current

If you are an information site, current news is the only important news. Unless crafting a new business press report, you must not mix sales with news. It tends to frustrate and anger your visitors. Stay current with the information and keep the ads controlled and limited.

However, if your site is selling products or services, readers may be dropping by for the purpose of catching a fresh deal that enhances the going price. Develop posts that promote current products, sale pricing and service deals. Your visitors are already showing an interest in your brand. Making them into a legitimate customer may be only a few steps distant. Business blog content that features a current deal, especially one that is exclusive to the blog, may provide the driving force for a new purchase.

2) Carry Breaking News

Your blog content should help visitors keep tack of big company news, news products and service updates. Some of your visitors have already invested in your brand. Now they want to know more about the company, current warranty details and what big things are on the horizon. An informative blog report helps existing customers feel confident in their purchase decision - especially if the purchase involved a big ticket item. When crafting your news content:

* Be thoughtful

* Be helpful

* Be open

* Give details

* Share specifics concerning repairs, comparisons and competitive pricing

* Provide full product and service updates.

Work to establish customer trust and don't leave out the matters that only concern potential customers.

3) Be Relevant

We live in a get-it-quick society. No one lingers around on websites that ramble and waste reader time. Your business blog content is designed to build brand loyalty, but it can only do so by remaining relevant to current and future customer interests.

4) Be Original

Even while holding fast to materials that are relevant to your industry and your brand, blog content must contain original thoughts and expressions. Redundant article content bloats the Internet. Readers are searching for relevant information that accurately relays detail in an original format. A business blog should define your company as a leader in the industry, as a trustworthy company and as a company that sincerely seeks to provide customers with worthwhile information. Use your blog to build trust. It's a strategy that never fails.

5) Contests

Unfortunately, Internet users have come to expect everything for free. It is not a reasonable expectation, yet it is a true expectation. Building contests and site give-aways will help your business blog attract new visitors. Websites that invest in free activities tend to see big jumps in overall traffic. Contests and give-aways invoke visitor interactivity, word-of-mouth promotion and visitor excitement.

Fortunately, the give-aways need not involve big-ticket items. They perform well even for basic products. For example: offering a free service package or generic gift card can be sufficient to reawaken a dead business blog. Consistency is the primary winner. Once you start a blog contest strategy, stick to it - and always deliver the goods.

6) Status Reports

Perhaps an open-books approach is a bit much, but simple success reports help build product confidence. You can even cut a few blogs that describe some of your failed efforts and the solutions such challenges are generating.

Posting status reports may not be a right fit for every company, but if you feel comfortable sharing certain bits of internal information, put it on the blog. Back it up with a few custom press releases.

Controlled transparency can help generate a sense of trust. People like to feel connected to the in-side scoop. By being transparent with the trials you face in product development and service delivery, your company can craft a dramatic story around your brand.

Readers will love it. People always enjoy rooting for the underdog. Involvement breeds excitement. Your customers have invested in seeing your brand succeed. If possible, find a place to add this voice to your business blog content, but only at a level of sharing that makes you comfortable.

It could win customers with a lifelong commitment to your company and brand name.

Action is the Final Word

Reading the above tips does little good if you file the data in a bulk text folder. Think about it for a moment. If you utilize these six tips, the opportunities for your business blog can be endless.

Begin today now. Start building a blog that generates customer loyalty. Make the dreams of other companies become your reality.

How to Keep Your Audience Interested in What You're Saying   Online Marketing System: Earn While You Learn How to Promote Your Own Stuff   The Lazy Bloggers Way to Creative Copywriting   Things to Look For in an SEO Expert   3 Proven SEO Tips for Bloggers   Start Your Blog Right By Avoiding These Blunders   

Is Your Blogging Useful To Others?

Does your blogging have a 'noble' purpose such as focusing on helping other people or are you intent on simply making sales! Now there is nothing wrong with operating an internet marketing blog but you'll find much more success if actually helping other people is part of your strategy! It all comes down to traffic and frankly if you all you focus on is making sales, your blog will not be much of an attraction!

Here are 3 simple strategies you can use when writing content for your internet marketing blog that should help boost traffic along with your income!


Although internet marketing blogs are operated with the intention of making money never forget it is your content that attracts people! The key to getting more traffic, which of course translates into making sales is to offer information readers find useful! By teaching or educating others about something they already have an interest in, you stand a much better chance of getting visitors to your site! Helping other people is ALWAYS the best way to get the attention and earn the trust and respect of visitors! Offering this information freely as is the case when posted on a blog is a very effective way to increase traffic!

Deliver A Message

Supporting a cause or purpose be it political, personal or even religious is another popular tact you can take when blogging! Once again you're helping other people by keeping them informed about an interest they have while even giving them a forum in which they can exchange thoughts with others!


Tracking and reporting new developments as they may occur within a particular niche or industry is very popular with readers! This strategy like the 2 previous ones mentioned are all aimed at getting interested readers to land on your site! Now when running an internet marketing blog, once you have built a respectable list of subscribers or list members, you simply make product or service offers! In every case you need to always be mindful that what you offer is relevant to the interest of these people and the niche you're active within!

Your blogging needs to focus more on helping other people than simply making sales if you want to attract a steady flow of visitors! Although the underlying intent of having an internet marketing blog is to earn an income, you must first establish yourself as some type of useful resource to do so! Quite simply if you compose content with the intent of helping other people, making sales will be much easier for you to do! The 3 strategies reviewed here today are simple approaches you can use when composing any new updates that will tend to attract more people to your platform! Once you have the traffic flowing and become better known as a resource for visitors, making sales will then become much easier!

How to Keep Your Audience Interested in What You're Saying   Online Marketing System: Earn While You Learn How to Promote Your Own Stuff   The Lazy Bloggers Way to Creative Copywriting   Things to Look For in an SEO Expert   

Cat Health Insurance

Cat health insurance is a great way to ensure that you're not faced with huge bills that you can't pay when your cat falls ill or is injured. Operations and certain treatments on cats cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars. If you're unable to pay then you may have to put your pet to sleep and that would be a tragedy for the sake of very few dollars a month.

For a few extra dollars per month many cat insurances will cover annual checkups, vaccinations and even flea and tick medications so you won't have to face those huge bills and you'll be sure that your cat is fully protected.

Vet's fees vary tremendously but depending on the region, each visit to the vet could cost you between $75 and $200 but with cat health insurance you could save as much as 70% of that.

Cats are even more likely to pick up illnesses than dogs as dogs are usually confined to their owner's property or out on a lead but outdoor cats do as they please and frequently have contact with other animals which could be infected with any transmittable feline disease.

Cats are also more likely to have accidents because they can't resist climbing, jumping and generally getting into scrapes. They are also more likely to be run over or cause a traffic accident.

One such incident could set you back by at least $1,000 in veterinary fees but with cat health insurance you will be able to just tell the vet to go ahead and medicate or operate.

I can say from personal experience that cat health insurance is a lifesaver. During the lifetime of just one of my cats, she was poked in the eye by a twig and needed three operations and she jumped off the garage room and chipped a bone in her leg which required x-rays and treatment. She ran in front of a speeding car which clipped both her back legs, shearing the tendons in one leg, resulting in an operation, a stay at the vets and medication. Ultimately, poor Tiger developed some sort of blood disorder which meant tests, a stay at the vets and eventually euthanasia.

In the end I worked out that in Tiger's fairly short life (13 years) I had paid far less in insurance premiums that I would have paid in vet's fees and more importantly, I didn't have to find large sums of money which I could ill afford.

So do yourself a favour, if you're a cat owner or indeed, the owner of any pet, do insure them against illness and accident.

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